Bill Flanagan - Hammered Dulcimer

Hammered dulcimer web resources

Dec 29, 2013

Here are a few links related to hammered dulcimer. I’ve listed the major sites first, since these will gateway you to a much more extensive array of hammered dulcimer information than I can provide here. If you’d like your site to be listed here, just drop me a line.

The Big Sites

  • Dulcis Melos Everything hammered dulcimer.
  • Dulcimer Players News The online website of the premier dulcimer publication, with all sorts of on-line resources for dulcimer players.

The Slightly Smaller Sites

  • Ken Kolodner A master player and teacher, on both hammered dulcimer and fiddle. If you can’t find a way to attend one of Ken’s workshops, check out his instructional CD’s… they’re great!
  • The Kitchen Musician’s Hammered Dulcimer Site An excellent collection of information from Sarah and Maynard Johnson. Be advised that these folks have a well-developed sense of humor, so you may occasionally encounter information that is tongue-in-cheek. Take off your gullible hat and you’ll be okay.
  • Ted Yoder National Hammered Dulcimer Champion. A really exquisite player.
  • Linda Lowe Thompson An excellent resource, you’ll definitely want to check out Linda’s books.
  • Carrie Crompton Check out Carrie’s site, especially if you’re interested in early music (Baroque, Renaissance, etc.) arranged for and performed on hammered dulcimer.
  • Timothy Seaman Check out Timothy’s “You Can Compose!” collection of ideas for composing and arranging on hammered dulcimer.
  • Marcy Prochaska Hammered dulcimer player near Ithaca, NY. Very nice web site.
  • Nonsuch Dulcimer Club A club in England consisting of hammered and mountain dulcimer enthusiasts
  • Jamie Janover Awesome hammered dulcimer guru out of Boulder, Colorado.
  • Dulcimers Sharon Skaryd’s website, home of info about the ODPC Funfest.
  • Paul Goelz’s Web Site Covers both hammered dulcimer and astronomy.
  • Australian Dulcimer Page Gillian Alcock’s hammered dulcimer web page
  • Chris Peterson More good info from Chris Peterson
  • Bret Ridgeway Includes info about Bret’s audio tape lessons
  • Dulcimer Dan A hammered dulcimer master from Cleveland, Ohio
  • Lucille Reilly, The Dulcimer Lady® Lucille Reilly’s web site
  • String Theory Blend together four like-minded women with a love of music and a complement of historic instruments and you get String Theory! (Coolest band name ever, by the way)

That’s it for now! There’s a lot more hammered dulcimer info out there. Have fun searching!

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